


1 両県は、駐日ジャマイカ大使館、日本国外務省、独立行政法人国際協力機構を始めとした多くの関係者の祝福の下、地方交流の「トップランナー」として、両国やその関係機関等と密接に連携しつつ、両国の国際親善に貢献し、両県間の友好及び協力関係を維持、発展させる。

2 両県は、平等互恵の原則に基づいて、文化、スポーツ、青少年、教育、観光及び経済など幅広い分野において、それぞれの特色を活かした交流・協力の拡大を目指す。
3 両県は、鳥取県が2020年東京オリンピック・パラリンピック大会におけるホストタウンに決定したことを歓迎し、同大会におけるジャマイカチームの鳥取県での事前キャンプ誘致に向け協力していく。

4 両県は、共通した産業、環境を数多く有していることを活かし、リゾートなどの観光資源、農漁業などの基幹産業、持続可能な環境関連事業など地域経済の活性化に向けた支援を行い相互発展に寄与していく。

5 両県は、二地域間の友好関係及び相互協力の発展及び深化について検討するため、定期的に交流団を送る。両県の交流団の組織及び検討内容については、事前に協議して決定する。


 2016年3月24日   鳥取県鳥取市にて 

 日本国鳥取県知事   ジャマイカ・ウェストモアランド県議長
 平井 伸治      バーテル・モーア




Sister Region Cooperation
Tottori Prefecture, Japan and Westmoreland Parish, Jamaica

Following the aspirations towards regional level exchange expressed by the Prime Ministers of Japan and Jamaica (hereafter “both nations”) during the top-level meeting held on September 30th 2015, Tottori Prefecture, Japan and Westmoreland Parish, Jamaica (hereafter “both regions”) have taken the necessary steps based on the Memorandum of Understanding on Advancing a Sister City Agreement signed on October 8th 2015, to officially establish the first sister region relation between Japan and a CARICOM nation. Accordingly, both regions have agreed to:

1) Develop and maintain a friendly and cooperative relationship as the “top runner” of regional exchange, while also contributing to international goodwill through the promotion of close ties between organizations of both nations, with the support of the Embassy of Jamaica in Tokyo, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan, Japan International Cooperation Agency and other parties concerned.

2) Increase exchange and cooperation activities in a wide range of areas including culture, sports, youth, education, tourism, and economy which reflect the special characteristics of each region, based on the principles of fairness and reciprocity.

3) Welcome the fact that Tottori has been designated as a 2020 Tokyo Olympic and Paralympic Games Host Prefecture, and cooperate towards Tottori’s bid to host a camp for the Jamaican Team during the aforementioned events.

4) Contribute towards the mutual development and revitalization of regional economy through taking advantage of similarities in industry and environment, such as resorts and other tourism resources, primary industries such as agriculture and fisheries, and sustainable environmental projects.

5) Send exchange delegations on a regular basis to consider ways of deepening bilateral friendship and cooperation. Both regions will discuss and determine the content and formation of the exchange delegations in advance.

In order to certify the conclusion of this agreement, two copies of this document have been produced in English and Japanese which representatives of both regions have signed on behalf of their respective citizens. Each region will retain an original copy in both languages.

March 24th 2016 Tottori City, Tottori Prefecture 

Shinji Hirai                             Bertel Moore 
Governnor                             Chairman and Mayor 
Tottori Prefecture, Japan       Westmoreland Parish Council, Jamaica 


Copyright(C) 2006~ 鳥取県(Tottori Prefectural Government) All Rights Reserved. 法人番号 7000020310000