■自然分野 Natural History
●林 耕介・小林朋道:鳥取県東部のナガレホトケドジョウ集団におけるミトコンドリアのDNA D-loop領域の多型解析
[Kosuke HAYASHI and Tomomichi KOBAYASHI: Analysis of polymorphisms at mtDNA D-loop region for Fluvial Eight-barbel Loach, Lefua.sp, in easterm Tottori Prefecture, Honshu, Japan ]
(PDF: 572KB)
[Takahiro YAGAME, Shigetaka SAKATA and Shigeaki YATAGAI: Notes of five native plant species newly found in Tottori Prefecture ]
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●川上 靖・一澤 圭:鳥取県沿岸と周辺海域で記録された海洋生物(2010年~2011年), および大型ヤリマンボウ
[Yasushi KAWAKAMI and Kei ICHISAWA: Marine animals recorded in the Sea of Japan around Tottori Prefecture from 2010 to 2011, with notes on a large specimen of Sharptail Mola collected off Sakaiminato]
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[Toshifumi WADA, Yuki TOKUDA and Akemi YAMAGUCHI: A report on comprehensive study using the Geopark and regional museum]
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■人文分野 Human History
●福代 宏:鳥取県のムラにおける社会組織の現状-平成20年度鳥取県歴史民俗事象調査結果から-
[Hiroshi FUKUSHIRO: The present condition of social organizations of villeges in Tottori Prefecture -The results of survey on history and folkrole in 2008-]
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[Tadashi KITAMURA: A study on villages in Tottori Prefecture]
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●来見田博基:鳥取藩の参勤交代における宿割について -山崎道郡山宿を事例として-
[Hiroki KURUMIDA: The hypothesis of the hotel assignment in the daimyo's alternate-year residence in Edo of the Tottori han -The cace study of Koriyama post station in Yamasakimichi-]
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●大嶋陽一・四井幸子・芝田尚子:鳥取藩領因幡国岩井郡大庄屋中島家「御用日記」翻刻 その一
[Yoichi OSHIMA, Sachiko YOTSUI and Naoko SHIBATA: A reprinting of "Official diary of Great Village Headmen in Tottori province" vol.1
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■美術分野 Art History
●山下真由美:蝦夷地への派遣 ―島田(谷)元旦が果たした役割とその成果―
[Mayumi YAMASHITA: The documents of the investigation in Ezo by Shimada (Tani) Gentan]
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[Mayumi YAMASHITA: Tigers and Bamboo Screens by KATAYAMA Yokoku]
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