
 鳥取県立博物館 ロゴ



鳥取県立博物館研究報告 第46号
Bulletin of the Tottori Prefectural Museum No. 46



■自然分野 Natural History


 [Toshifumi WADA: Distribution of the ghost crab Ocypode stimpsoni (Crustacea: Brachyura: Ocypodidae) on the sandy beaches in Tottori Prefecture, Honshu, Japan] 

 (PDF: 1,199KB)


●Shozo EHARA, Kazunori OHASHI, Tetsuo GOTOH and Nobuo TSURUSAKI: The mite taxa created by S. Ehara and his coauthors with depositories of their type series (Arachnida: Acari)


 (PDF: 1,024KB)



 [Yukihisa KIYOSUE and Yasuhiro ASAI: Establishment of an alien plant species Cakile edentula (Cruciferae) in western Japan, with notes on the first record of the species in the area] 

 (PDF: 728KB)


●佐藤隆士・川上 靖:佐藤博巳昆虫コレクション目録

 [Takashi SATO and Yasushi KAWAKAMI: Catalogue of the insect collection accumulated by the late Mr. Hiromi Sato] 

 (PDF: 1,251KB)


■美術分野 Art History


 [Mayumi YAMASHITA: Paintings on the ceiling in Kozen-ji Temple, Tottori city] 

 (PDF-1: 1,618KB; -2: 1,661KB)

最後に本ページの担当課    鳥取県立博物館
    住所  〒680-0011
    電話  0857-26-80420857-26-8042
       ファクシミリ  0857-26-8041
    E-mail  hakubutsukan@pref.tottori.lg.jp

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