鳥取県立博物館研究報告 第37・38合併号
Bulletin of the Tottori Prefectural Museum No.37・38
■自然分野 Natural History
[Yukihisa KIYOSUE:Vegetation of Menyanthes trifoliata L. relic moors in Misasa-cho,Tottori Prefecture]
(PDF: 552KB)
[Yukihisa KIYOSUE:A Report on the Field Trip to Make a Study of the Larger Fungi, in Aoya-cho,Tottori Prefecture]
(PDF: 368KB)
■人文分野 Human History
[Hirotada KISHIMOTO:Earthenware from Nishikatsurami Yayoi moud burial in Tottori-shi]
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[Toshinori ISHIDA:The explanation of the exhibition of "Essenntial history of Ancient Hebei Hall" in Hebei Provincial Museum (translation)]
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